Envisioning Your Goals With Life Coach Donna Bond
Image via @saramueller
At SIMPLY we are big believers in getting goals down on paper. It really is powerful to have a concrete visual of what you hope to accomplish for the year, and it can help hold you accountable.
If you need some help on how exactly to write your goals down—and just as important, the steps that will help get you to those goals—life & business coach Donna Bond may be able to assist! Recently Donna led a workshop for some of our SIMPLY Digital talents to help them envision their 2019 goals. Lucky for you, Donna is sharing some of the key takeaways from this workshop right now!
Check out her advice for visioning your future and putting it down on paper:
Focus Your Attention
Where you place your Attention is where you place your Intention for what you are calling into your life. Keep your attention and thus your energy focused on what you DO want, not on what you do not want.
Understand Your Experience
Recognize you are a Spiritual Being having a human experience and not the other way around. The infinite, wisdom-filled part of you is guiding you.
Build Your Picture Of Success
Creating an Ideal vision or a Picture of Success using language beginning with the words “I AM” This present tense statement grounds one in the present moment and is a declaration of your life with whatever you attach to it.
Suspend the “how” and using statements that begin with “I AM” craft a picture of the experience you want to have.
Notice when you are mis-creating your life by attaching negative ideas to the end of “I AM”
Create your beautiful scene so it envelops your consciousness in all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. For example:
Physical: I am grateful for my beautiful meditation space
Mental: I am experiencing peaceful clarity of mind
Emotional: I am filled with love and compassion
Spiritual: I am a unique expression of the Divine.
So go ahead and try creating a Picture Of Success for yourself! Share your creations with us and let us know what your goals for 2019 are.
Eager to learn more from Donna? To shift out of being stuck in your life and learn more uplifting processes and life mastery tools to assist you in living a life you love, Donna Bond is guiding women through a beautiful weekend retreat called Discover the Authentic You, March 15th to 17, 2019. This weekend includes two private coaching sessions with Donna, two and a half days of experiential life mastery teachings, overnight accommodations at the stunning Monarch Beach resort and exquisite healthy, lovingly prepared meals.
Visit www.discoverauthenticyou.com and schedule a complimentary discovery session with Donna today.